About Us

Our Story
Every person seems to have a story of a special dog they once knew. A favourite memory, an adorable head tilt, or the unique way your dog captured your heart forever. Several years ago, we met a little blind senior rescue dog who needed a place to be loved and to live out his golden years for whatever time he had left. And even though he was down on his luck, that little tail never stopped wagging. And so, we named him Happy. Little did we know then, that this little senior would change the course of our entire lives and lead us to where we are today. Happy showed us how to live life every single day to the fullest. He loved fiercely and let that happy shine so bright that every person who met him fell in love with him. Happy didn’t ever let anything slow him down. Even without his sight he enjoyed walks around town, hiking in the woods, and playing with squeaky toys. He loved dinner time and snuggling with his furry siblings and could always be found on the lap of a close by human. Throughout the year that he spent with us before crossing over the bridge, Happy went to the beach, met new friends, stopped at a bakery, let his fur flow in the wind during the best country breeze car rides, and he completely changed our lives. Happy showed us that love wasn’t something you could see, but rather something you felt with your heart. And as a family, we watched him blossom. Happy taught us many lessons, but most importantly, Happy taught us about the value of senior dogs and helped us to create our rescue motto to always “find your happy”.
Happy’s legacy will live on because of each person who also believes in the amazing love of a senior dog.
The story of Happy’s Place (Retirement Home for Dogs) will continue to unfold throughout the years. The story of how one little senior dog came into the lives of an ordinary family of four and started them all on this amazing journey into a world of bucket list adventures, second chances, and truly helping each one of them to find their happy. We hope you continue to fall in love and enjoy following along with these little senior faces as much as we do.
Welcome to Happy’s Place!
Our Board
Kirby-Lee Bennett
Gregory Horton
Angela Balcom
Our Mission
The majority of the senior dogs in our care are transferred to us from shelters. The dogs we rescue are at a higher risk of euthanasia due to old age, and/or medical needs. We also sometimes welcome owner surrenders including cases where dog guardians can no longer care for their senior dog due to their own health, have passed away, or other reason. We are a 100% not for profit rescue.
We believe in connecting and supporting our communities, with our focus being on Canadian senior dogs. We make every attempt to rescue and provide lifetime retirement care and bucket list adventures, as well as medical treatment, for as many senior dogs as possible within the criteria and funds available through the rescue thanks to the love of our supporters and sponsors. We take in senior dogs which are all examined by our veterinarian, treated, and loved in carefully screened foster homes until which time they can be adopted out into loving families or by providing them lifelong care until the time comes for them to cross over the rainbow bridge.
We believe in advocating for not only for senior dogs but also in trying to find creative solutions to keep senior dogs and their families together.
We believe in the power of a community and the importance of providing wellness for both senior dogs and people too. We believe in the importance of relationship building through public events, partnering with local businesses, and connecting people and senior dogs within our community through programs such as our senior to senior program, our leave a legacy program, and our wellness visits. It is our mission to build relationships with anyone who loves dogs and is able to like us, see the value in allowing senior dogs to live their very best lives and to always find their happy!