Happy's Place Adoptable Dogs

** Please Note: We do not adopt dogs outside of the province of Ontario

Our adoption fee is $500.00 for a single dog and $850.00  for a bonded pair (GST is included in this amount), which includes their initial check-up, spay/neuter (unless medically documented as unsafe), vaccines (including rabies, DHPP and Lepto), a microchip, and any other relative vetting. This also includes detailed bloodwork, urinalysis, and are screened for heartworm (4DX). All Happy’s Place dogs are also given a Bordetella vaccine, dewormed, and are treated for any other internal/external parasites.

Most of our foster dogs have received an extensive dental surgery including extractions and cleaning. Since we only rescue senior dogs, all of the dogs in our care have had expensive medical bills and several vet visits to get them ready for their new forever home. They’ve been groomed, had special diets, and a lot of veterinarian care. X-rays as well as specialists appointments including ultrasound, cardiology, CT scan, MRI, orthepedic etc as required. Please be assured that 100% of your paid adoption fee goes directly towards the care of our Happy’s Place dogs.

Our adoption application is a great way for us to get to know you the best that we can, so please provide us with as much detail and accurate information as possible. All questions must be answered. If one does not apply to you please respond “n/a” or “none”. This will assist us in helping to find you the best match we can and to verify that the dog you are choosing is a good fit for your lifestyle and environment. Please note that all fields on the application must be complete to be considered.

Happy’s Place Retirement Home for Dogs rescues senior dogs only and therefore at times, we do not have the entire life history of a dog. We do provide a full history of our dogs to the best of our ability and all medical information is given to the potential adopter before making any final decisions. We want our seniors and their new families to find their happy together.

** We do not adopt dogs outside of the province of Ontario

If you do not hear a response to your application after 72 hours, please contact us at: adoptions.happysplacedogs@gmail.com

In choosing to adopt a senior dog, you really are giving the gift of life to a senior in need. These second chances are full of adventures, love, and finding HAPPY!5

Loupy- 15 years (this is the age told to us but the vet clinic feels around 12)- male- 73 lbs

Looking to add the absolute perfect gentleman to your life?

Bella- 14 years- female- 42 pounds

Described by her fosters as a completely loveable and sweet dog! This senior lady is a total gem!

Bruce- 9 years- male- 27 pounds

Applications to adopt this dog are currently closed. Please consider adopting another senior dog instead.

Balou- 10 years- male- 100 pounds

Applications to adopt this dog are currently closed. Please consider adopting another senior dog instead.

Alyce & Juliette- 10 yrs- female- 10 lbs (on a weight loss journey together)

These two snuggly little sisters are the absolute best. They are sweetness and personality plus! Eager to please and eager to love.
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